Oster 4093 Classic Beehive Blender

Oster 4093 Classic Beehive Blender

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Liverwurst at Home

Liverwurst at Home

Liver is one of those Foods that is just incredibly healthy. It's packed with vitamins and minerals -- and everyone hates it. I can't stand liver myself, but I've come up with what I think is a pretty good solution. I make "liverwurst" out of chicken liver. My brother has a free range chicken farm, and they end up with way more liver than they can use or that their customers want. So their Cats and I benefit.

Liverwurst at Home

Liverwurst at Home

Liverwurst at Home

Liverwurst at Home

Liverwurst at Home

Here's the recipe I use. Modify the seasonings to suit your taste:


1 pound chicken livers
1 1/2 teaspoons salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon honey, or to taste (optional)
2 teaspoons paprika
1/2 teaspoon marjoram
1/2 teaspoon finely ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon mace
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
Olive oil and/or melted coconut oil

Cook livers until cooked through (approximately 10-15 minutes - don't overcook).

While the liver is still warm, add the seasonings and oil and blend with a stick blender or in a Food processor.

Use enough oil to make a smooth paste (I've never measured it, so I'm not sure how much I actually put in, but the more oil you use the softer and more spreadable it will be after refrigerating). I usually use half olive oil and half coconut oil. The coconut oil will make it stiffer and easier to slice right out of the fridge, and the olive oil keeps it more spreadable. So adjust according to your preferences.

You can then put it in a container and use as a spread, or pack it into an empty can with the ends cut off both ends. When chilled, slide the liverwurst out of the can and slice as needed.

Liverwurst at Home

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

Making bread crumbs at home is not only inexpensive but also fun. Bread crumbs at markets are available at high prices while making them at home saves a lot of money. In fact, the enTire process of making bread crumbs is very easy.

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

Bread crumbs can be made out of any type of bread like wheat, white, sourdough, or rye bread. This inexpensive way of making bread crumbs also ensures that you use bread that would otherwise be wasted and thrown away.

In order to make bread crumbs, you first have to start collected bread. Try mixing different types of breads as this would add different taste and flavors. After you have sufficient amount of bread, make sure you dry out the slices. Fresh bread can also be used.

Now place the bread onto a baking sheet. Brush the slices with butter and cheese if you want to add some flavor to the crumbs. Bake the bread in the oven at 300 degrees until the slices start appearing lightly brown and totally dry. At the half way mark, turn slices over so that they dry evenly. In case the bread slices are not dry enough, place them in a single layer on the baking sheet, giving them enough room to dry easily and Fast.

Once all the slices are evenly browned, remove them from the oven. Allow the bread to cool and then start tearing the slices into small pieces. Put these small pieces into the Food processor and start whirling until you achieve the desired coarseness.

How to Make Bread Crumbs at Home

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

There have always been really strange recipes around that are passed from kitchen to kitchen until they fade and a new fad takes over. Usually they are perfectly edible, they may even taste quite good, but at least one ingredient is strange or used in a peculiar way.

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Bacon Mugs

I found a version of this on Stumble. The resulting mugs make great containers for salads, rice etc. Use small ovenproof dishes upside down. These you cover with foil pressed well down. These you cover with bacon. I t is best if you cross two rashers over the upturned base and then wind one or two more rashers in and out to make a bacon basket. Cook these on a baking tray to catch drips. How long they take to become crisp will depend upon the bacon and your oven. A hot oven is best, but may produce some smoke. The bacon will shrink of course, but removed carefully from the foil after cooling and they should keep their shape. I must try this with vegetarian bacon, but these crisp up really quickly so keep a careful eye on them. Another idea might be to create a basket in a long, shallow dish.

Carrot Jam

This comes from a Second World War time book, so is really old. The fact that the recipe has survived this long must mean that it is worth making. Next time I make carrot cake I
will split it and spread it with some of this. I cannot give quantities as it depends upon how much mashed carrot you have.

Wash and peel your carrots. Chop them small and boil in slightly salted water until soft. Drain and sieve or chop finely in a Food processor. To one pound of this pulp add on pound of sugar , 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger and the juice and grated zest of a lemon.

Boil all these together as when making any other jam. Pot when it begins to get thick.

Rose Petal Jam

My darling Granddad would allow me to pick his precious roses to make this. Some petals, especially white ones need trimming at the end where they join the flower as this part of the petal can produce a bitter taste.

2 mugs of rose petals packed fAirly tightly, 2 1/2 mugs of sugar, 2 mugs of warm water, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cut the petals into 1/4 inch strips. Cover with the water and cook for about 10 minutes. Strain this, reserving the petals, and use the liquid to make a syrup with the sugar and honey. Boil and then simmer for 5 minutes before adding the petals once more. Then cook on the lowest possible flame for about 40 minutes- an asbestos mat helps with this recipe. Add the lemon juice and cook for a further 20 minutes. Pour into sterile pots and seal. Some would want to add a little colouring, but I am a purist and never do.

Jelly Fruit - Americans would probably call these Jello Fruit.

I remember these as a great treat at birthdays when I was a child. Somehow eating the jelly from out of a fruit shell made it taste better - at least in my imagination.

Each fruit will give you 4 portions. Halve your oranges. Remove all the flesh taking care not to damage the skins. Place the dry skins upright on a tray, or better still balance them in muffin tins which means that they stay upright more easily. Make up your jelly/jello a little thicker than normal and pour into the empty shells as full as you can as it shrinks a little when it sets. Place the tray in fridge and let set. Then cut each half shell once more so that the orange shell is now in quarters which make them much easier to eat. All you have to do now is to think of something to do with all that orange flesh. Now that my family is grown I wonder if it will work as jelly shots?

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

If you have decided to buy a Food processor for yourself or for giving away as a gift then it's a nice thing to buy the best one in the market. It is necessary understand first that, "best" is a relative term and changes from person to person.

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

However I am going to give a very short introduction to what sort of Food processors are available today in the market today with top quality performance for reasonable price ranges.

After doing some market research I found that there are more than 50 manufacturers that have at least 1 Food processor model available for selling in the competitive market. However here I am going to quickly give you names of the best 4 manufacturers who have a solid reputation in the electronics and home appliances market.

1) Cuisinart - This brand is one of the most popular one and has more than 200 different designs of food processors to make a choice with. All sorts of models starting with 4 cups till 20 cups of capacity are available.

Models with full size to hand held blenders are available too. Price range of these food processors varies from to 00. So there is a wide scope for selection of the exact model of your choice.

Average customer rating for these food processors is 4.5 out of 5. The most popular model for this brand is "Cuisinart DFP-14BCN 14-Cup Food Processor".

2) KitchenAid - This is another popular brand with more than 100 models to choose from. These models are available in the 3 cups to 12 cups capacity. These models come with good amount of accessories.

Price range of these models varies between till 9. The most popular model for this brand is "KitchenAid KFP750CR 700-Watt 12-Cup Food Processor"

3) Hamilton Beach - These food processors have more than 30 models to choose from with a capacity of 6cups minimum to 14 cups maximum.

Price range of these varies from till 0. The average customer rating for these food processors is 4.1 out of 5. The most popular model for this brand is "Hamilton Beach 70595 Big Mouth 14-Cup Food Processor"

4) Black & Decker - This brand is another very popular one with more than 20 models to choose from. You have a choice starting with as low as 3cups capacity that goes till 10 cup capacity.

The price range for these food processors varies from till 0. The most popular model for this brand is "Black & Decker EHC650 3-Cup 2-Speed Food Chopper"

Best Food Processor - Here Are 4 Food Processor Brands to Choose From!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

If you're looking for a good or the best raw Food bar recipe or have had problems making bars in the past, here is the best way to make raw Food bars. When I first starting making raw Foods many years ago, I had a problem finding the right consistency when trying to make raw bars. They were either too sticky or wouldn't hold together. They would fall apart and be nothing like the bars you buy. I wondered what the secret was.

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

After trying dozens of recipes with disappointMent, I did my own experiMenting and found the best proportion of ingredients. Using nuts and dates to find a basic recipe, this one holds together nicely. Part of the secret is in a 2 process mixing.

I used Brazil nuts and cashews. Brazil nuts are hard nuts so should be ground to a finer grind to protect your teeth.

This easy recipe is quick although you'll want to refrigerate it or put it in the freezer for awhile before you take the bars from home.

One of the problems in the consistency is that your dates may be different sizes. I use medjools but even those vary in size. So you may have to make some adjustments if they don't turn out perfectly. But I've made these many times and they have always turned out great.

For my best raw Food bar recipe:

Ingredients: 2 cups raw Brazil nuts, 2 cups raw cashews, 8 medjool dates, sea salt and lemon juice.

Put 1 1/2 cups of the raw Brazil nuts in a food processor and pulverize or grind into very small pieces, about the size for pesto. Does not have to be perfect. They will be different sizes and some will be very fine. This is good because it's a hard nut. Then add 8 pitted medjool dates, they must be medjools. The fresher the better. Older dates may be drier. Then mix in the dates to form a dough but don't overmix.

Then add 1/2 cup more of Brazil nuts and 2 cups raw cashews. Cashews are a softer nut and can be various very small chunks and some fine. No big chunks. Add a pinch of sun-dried sea salt and a squirt of fresh squeezed lemon juice and grind for a few seconds until mixed. The cashews should be ground fAirly fine with some chunks. Feel the dough or mixture to see if it holds together. It'll be a little sticky and it'll set up in the refrigerator.

Now you can also add goji berries or other dried fruit if you like or a little shredded coconut just until mixed in. Don't overmix.

Spread the dough into an 8, 9 or 10 inch square dish or 10 inch corning ceramic dish, depending on the thickness you want. You can also form the dough into balls. Place in the freezer for an hour or the refrigerator for a couple of hours or more. When set, slice into bars or into smaller pieces for a quick snack.

When eating Brazil nuts you don't want to overindulge. Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Selenium is good for us and absent in the soil in many countries. But too much selenium can cause a toxic overdose. You can make and eat these whether you're on a raw food diet or not. So go easy on the best raw food bars and don't eat them all at one sitting. You're sure to enjoy my best raw food bar recipe and make it over and over.

Free Raw Recipe - Best Raw Food Bar Recipe

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Why We Need Fertilizer

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Plants do need a whole host of mineral nutrients to sustain healthy growth; most soils do contain a balance of minerals. A soil may be lacking in some of them, and adding fertilizer will enhance the plants growth and performance.  Millions of people do live near the sea or go on vacation with a trailer to seaside locations and seaweed is the best Organic Fertilizer on the market. This is because it contains natural nitrogen minerals which are not found in very many other organic fertilizers.

After working for several years for a seaweed manufacturer I am about to blow the lid and you can discover how easy it really is to make your own fertilizer.

How to Make Your Own Fertilizer

EquipMent needed:

·         1 medium sized bin about 25 litres, 5 gallon.
·         Food processor.
·         Oven or grill (optional).
·         Kitchen foil.
·         Oven trays.
·         Scraps of wood to fit into the inside of the bin.
·         A cutting tool i.e. a saw.
·         Something heavy in my case I use bricks.

Product needed:

·         Seaweed bubbly type preferably (more extract/juice comes out) 7 Kg, 14 Lb
·         Food preservative (optional)

Ok you've got the equipMent and product together

·         Cut out a scrap of wood that will fit in the bin a quarter of the way up from the floor.
·         Put in the bricks to support the wood and create a new floor for the bin.
·         Make sure the wood is not a tight fit.
·         Liquidize the seaweed about 1 Kg, 2.2 lb at a time in the Food processor.
·         Use blades that will give you a rough finish (you don't want it too smooth).
·         Add minced up seaweed to your upgraded bin.
·         Repeat this process until your bin is full.
·         Clean out Food processor as seaweed contain a high level of salt that may rust some metal blades. ·         Cut another scrap of wood to fit inside the top of the bid (about 5 inches from each side of the bin). ·         Put the bin outside and load the bricks on top.
·         Leave for 2 days.

The top of the bin (oven)

·         Unpack the bricks and transport the seaweed into an oven tray with kitchen foil on.
·         Place in a pre heated oven at 200°C, 392 °F.
·         Cook for half an hour or until really crispy but not burnt.
·         Grind up (optional).
·         Add water 40 grams diluted with water makes up to 20 litres of seaweed liquid feed.
·         Or add straight to the soil.

The top of the bin (without oven)

·         Unpack the bricks and transport the seaweed straight onto the soil and mix in.

The bottom of the bin

·         This is where the liquid extract will be.
·         Add Food preservative or can place in freezer or use within 4 weeks and store in fridge.
·         Add water up to an amazing 80 to 1 mix.

I have searched the web for instructions on how to make my own seaweed extract and I think this is the first detail instructions on how to make organic fertilizer seaweed extract and seaweed powder/granules. Seaweed granules can also be used as animal feed, seaweed powder can be used alongside pet food just sprinkle some in and this increases there fertility rate as well as help smelly pet breath.

Organic Plant Food & Fertilizer - How to Make Organic Seaweed Fertilizer Extract - Granules

Monday, March 12, 2012

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Food Processor is one of the most efficient and vital appliances of your kitchen. This is able to do a range of repetitive work in order to prepare Food safely and quickly. Today, the definition of food processor has constrained to an electric-motor-driven appliance. Making use of processor is one of the best ways of doing complex processes such as chopping, mincing, grinding, blending and chopping and many more.

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

They are more or less similar to blenders. The basic and major distinguishing factor is that it makes use of interchangeable blades and disks. It comprises of comparatively wider and shorter containers. Unlike blenders which require liquid for the moveMent of the material inside the container around the blade, food processors require no or very little amount of water for the moveMent.

It was introduced to United States in 1970 since then it has become the vital member of the kitchen. This most efficient and useful kitchen appliance was first developed by a French salesman named Pierre Verdun. He was inspired to produce a very efficient solution for most tedious processes such as chopping, shredding, grinding and mixing and many more. He established a company for making commercial processors for catering industry. The very first domestic food processor was brought in the market in the year 1972.

It is one of the Fastest selling kitchen appliances of the market. Different types of food processors possess certain features that emerge as their strong points. The full sized food processors exhibit more versatility as compare to their lower versions.

They can be used for different purposes such as coffee grinder, juicer grinder, hand blenders and mixer grinder or mixie. It should be noted that not all models of food processors include the blades or discs. This refers that specific processors are designed for specific functions.

There are a range of brands that offer some of the most efficient food processors in the market. The brand such as Vita-Mix Food Processor is considered as one of the most extraordinary and the best built appliances. These are able to chop a range of ingredients such as mushrooms, onions, bell peppers and many more for making your Cooking exciting and fun. It exhibits a very powerful motor which has a capacity to chop about 6 ice cubes in seconds.

Toastmaster - These are one of the highest performing food processors which are able to chop raw or cooked meats, several vegetable, fruits and nuts. It exhibits a pAir of cutting blades for very fine and coarse grinding. Cleaning of these processors is very easy and hence these are preferred over others.

KitchenAid - are the ultimate companion of your kitchen. This brand has a several food processors to offer to their customers. The capacity of the processors ranges from 3 cups to 12 cups. The remarkable features of these food processors are a very powerful motor, largest opening for feeding and a narrow tube which makes it one of the most popular brands of food processors.

Food Processor - The Cook of Your Kitchen

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

If you owned a pet during the 2007 pet Food recall, you understand all too well why so many people are making their own dog Food these days. And it is not hard to do or as expensive as you may think.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Why preparing your dog's Food at home could be a better choice:

Most of us strive to provide the very best for our dogs. We make sure they get plenty of exercise, training, love and attention, tend to their medical needs, keep them safe, and believe to be feeding them pet Food that is nutritious and wholesome. But are we? Commercial dog foods use preservatives, dyes, chemicals, fillers, animal by-products, corn, soy, additives, artificial flavors, and so on. And it is these ingredients, as well as some others, which are making our pets sick and slowly killing them. Pet food companies might have great ad campaigns depicting a yummy wholesome meal for our dogs, but have you read the ingredients?

This is why so many people have decided to take matters in their own hands. It's the best way to know what goes into your dog's food. By preparing homemade dog food recipes right in our own kitchens, we know we are feeding our dogs fresh foods and ingredients, without the use of preservatives, artificial ingredients, or any other contaminates that can harm our dogs.

Preparing homemade meals for your dog is easy and Fast:

If you don't think you have time to cook for your pet, think again. It's super easy to do and you can make a big batch of food, separate daily food portions into freezer bags, and then thaw out as needed. Just be sure you use fresh vegetables or frozen - never canned vegetables.

    Chicken Dinner Recipe for Dogs
  • 2 pounds of boiled chicken meat finely chopped (no skin or bones)
  • 1 cup cooked carrots finely chopped
  • 6 potatoes boiled, peeled, and mashed
  • 1 cup of cooked lentils
  • 2 cups of fresh green beans steamed and chopped (or use frozen)

Finely chop and mash together cooked vegetables or simply mix them all together in a food processor. Then stir in the chopped chicken and separate portions into freezer bags until ready to use.

More homemade dog food recipes: You can come up with lots of recipes by using some other ingredients like turkey, brown rice, oats, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, and peas.

Avoid using the following grains as they have been linked to food allergies: wheat, corn, and soy.

Final tips: Always consult your veterinarian about the nutritional requireMents for your dog. Be sure to provide a variety of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Familiarize yourself with the foods that are not safe for dogs to eat (chocolate, macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins, onions, citrus fruits, cold cuts, mushrooms, fatty foods, and cooked bones). Also, when changing your dog's diet, go slow. Too quick of a change can upset their digestive tract causing diarrhea.

Our dogs depend on us to care for their health and safety. Be a responsible dog owner. Get all the facts about feeding your dog and then make an informed decision. Don't take for granted that the commercial dog food you are feeding your treasured friend is healthy because of their fancy ad campaigns.

Always consult your veterinarian before making drastic changes to your dog's diet. Any current health issues, breed, and life sTAGes will play a part in determining the nutritional needs of your dog.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

I am a firm believer that natural Foods we eat everyday has healing properties to assist our body to recover from non critical ailMents and aid in recovery process as well. If we take the right Food, in the right amount, the vitamins and minerals found in the food will strengthen our body systems. It can improve digestion, which in itself is a prerequisite in healing of the body. With better digestion, the body can absorb the necessary minerals and vitamins, which in turn will repAir the body. This is especially true for IBS sufferers.

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

So the first food remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers is pineapple.

Pineapple helps in digestion. Find a fresh ripe pineapple and eat it fresh. Make sure only ripe pineapples are eaten. Unripe pineapple has poison which can cause drastic purging. If fresh ripe pineapples are not available, you can resort to the canned ones. Cutting the pineapple is an art. Be generous in cutting the skin of the pineapple. You need to remove the crown, rind, eyes and core. A method to remove the eyes is to slice crosswise. You can only eat the flesh. Chilled fresh pineapple is not only refreshing but also delicious. As much as you may like pineapples, do not over eat pineapples either since excessive pineapple can cause fiber balls in the intestinal tract. Just like everything else, excessive consumption should be avoided. In right quantities, it is a healing food.

The acidity of the fresh pineapple can cause irritation of the tip of the tongue. A trick to reduce the acidity is to rub a little salt on the pineapple before eating or soak the flesh in water with a pinch of salt for a short while before eating. With canned pineapples, it is normally soak in syrup which diminishes taste and freshness.

Pineapple is diuretic and is a natural cleanser, removing toxins from the body. It is high in vitamin C and also contains a special enzyme, called bromelain, which helps the body's digestive system and also able to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, gout and sore throat. It also helps in the healing process of wounds after surgery or injury. It is believed that pineapple contains micro-nutrients which can protects against cancer and the micro-nutrients also break up blood clots and is beneficial to the heart. Pineapple juice is a natural intestinal worm killer as well.

Immediately after each meal, eat one slice of pineapple and it will help digestion - thus reducing burping, gas build up and stomach discomfort, all common symptoms of IBS. Taking a slice or two a day is fine for most IBS sufferers; just don't eat the enTire fruit by yourself everyday. If you are just trying, just take one slice and increase it later.

Another way to eat pineapple is to juice it by blending. If you are not milk intolerant, then adding some yogurt and blending them together in a food processor produces a lassi drink. This is an Indian traditional drink. Do not add any sugar especially if you are using canned pineapples. If you like you can add a little water or ice.

Food Remedies For IBS - Pineapple

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin Soup - Thai Style

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Do you like Thai Food? Do you like Pumpkin? Do you like Soup? Well then this recipe is for you!

Gather together these fabulous ingredients:

  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups pumpkin puree
  • 1 1?2 cup mango nectar
  • 3 Veggie Bouillon Cubes
  • 3/4 tsp powdered ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic chopped finely
  • 1/4 to 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper (to taste)
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 2 tbsp chopped green onion
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 2/3 cup (5 fl.-oz. can) Evaporated Fat Free Milk


  1. Mix the water, pumpkin, nectar, bouillon, ginger, garlic and crushed red pepper in large saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  3. Lower the heat to low.
  4. Stir in peanut butter, vinegar, green onion and 1 tablespoon cilantro.
  5. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 to 8 minutes or until soup returns to a boil.
  6. Stir in evaporated milk.
  7. Sprinkle with remaining cilantro before serving to your delighted family.

Curry Pumpkin Soup

If you like pumpkin soup and you like the flavor of curry, then this will be a perfect combination for you and yours.

Gather together these fabulous ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 2 good sized garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1 1/2 tsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground white pepper
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups pumpkin puree
  • 1 can evaporated milk


  1. Melt butter in large saucepan over medium-high heat.
  2. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes or until tender.
  3. Stir in curry powder, salt and pepper; cook for 1 minute.
  4. Add broth and pumpkin; bring to a boil.
  5. Lower the heat to low; cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Stir in evaporated milk.
  7. Place mixture in a Food processor and blend until smooth. (if there is too much for your Food processor or blender do it in batches)
  8. Serve up the delicious warm soup!

Savory Pumpkin Soup

Traditional Pumpkin Soup is healthy, low calorie and is low on the glycemic index which makes it a great choice for anyone who is Watching their sugar intake.

Gather together these fabulous ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp light butter
  • 1 small chopped
  • 1 garlic clove chopped
  • 1 tbsp Blue Agave Nectar
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tsp low sodium chicken bouillon
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper ground
  • 2 cups pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup half and half


  1. Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Add onion, garlic and sugar blend; cook, stirring frequently, until onion is soft.
  3. Add water, bouillon and pepper; bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  4. Lower the heat to low; cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
  5. Stir in pumpkin and half and half.
  6. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
  8. Put soup into a Food processor until smooth.
  9. Return to saucepan and heat to serving temperature
  10. Swirl a bit of half and half around in bowl as you serve.

Pumpkin Soup - 3 Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Do you want a meatless appetizer to warm up the holiday season? Try some animal-free, edible penguins. They make great holiday or Christmas vegan appetizers. They will add a touch of whimsy to your celebration, and people will absolutely take notice.

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

I made these adorable penguin appetizers for a Christmas Eve Party last year, and they were a huge hit, both with the novelty/cuteness factor, and for the taste. Besides, I had fun making them, and they were vegan, so everyone could eat them. Kids love them, too, and this would be a fun way to spend time during the holidays with your kids, making some.

You will need:

1 carrot, preferable organic

1 can extra large pitted olives

1 can small pitted olives

Cream cheese or vegan cream cheese mixture, about 1/4-1/2 cup

Optional: about 2 TBS chopped nuts, added to cream-cheese-like mixture


I don't recall exactly which vegan cream-cheese-like recipe I used, but there are lots online. Most call for some nuts, tofu, salt, sugar, lemon juice, and possibly other flavorings, like garlic, blended together in a blender or Food processor. Anything fAirly white and savory will do, but it needs to be a stiff consistency, so it will stay stuffed in the olives and hold its shape.

To Make the Penguins:

For each penguin, you'll need

1 extra large olive

1 small olive

1 toothpick

1 slice carrot

1 tsp cream cheese mixture (approximately)

To make the penguin body, cut a narrow wedge out of one large olive, from top to bottom.

Fill the remaining olive piece with the cream cheese mixture.

To make the head, fill one small olive with the vegan cream cheese mixture.

For the beak, cut a small triangular wedge from a slice of carrot. The remaining large piece will be feet.

Very carefully, cut a horizontal slit into the small stuffed olive, going only about halfway through it.

Insert the carrot triangle "beak." You may need to cut a larger slit, or make thinner carrot slices.

Insert the toothpick down through the olive "head," then the larger olive "body," and finally, through the carrot "feet."

Stand your penguin up and smile.

To keep them upright, I stuck the toothpicks into a foam take-out lunch box that I had washed to reuse. This isn't necessary, but it makes for a fun presentation. You could also use something like half a cabbage head instead of the foam.

You'll have your own little colony of adorable, edible penguins! These don't have to be limited to Christmas or winter holidays. They would be a great hit at a kids' Party too, but Watch out for the toothpicks.

These seem like a lot of trouble to make, but they aren't that time consuming or finicky at all. The fun I had making these vegan Christmas appetizers was worth it. Not only did they taste great, but they got a lot of attention and comMents, too.

Vegan Christmas Appetizers: Funny Penguins

Monday, January 23, 2012

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

What is Pesto?

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Many people think of Pesto as a raw green sauce with very specific ingredients, namely basil, garlic, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and pine nuts. While that sauce is indeed a Pesto, there are many other sauces that qualify.

The word Pesto is actually the past participle of the Italian word Pestare, which means to pound or crush. The term can apply to any sauce which has crushed herbs in an oil base. Such sauces are traditionally made by hand with a mortar and pestle. In fact, the words pestle and pesto both come from the same Latin word meaning "to crush." I break from tradition here, since a Food processor gets the Job done just as well in much less time.

The sauce much of the world thinks of as Pesto, is more accurately called Pesto alla Genovese or Pesto of Genoa Italy. Many regions of Italy have a Pesto they call their own, using ingredients commonly found in their particular region.

Below you will find a recipe for a basic Pesto alla Genovese followed by Pumpkin Seed Pesto made with fresh spinach leaves. The latter recipe comes from the region of my kitchen.

You can take the basic recipe and alter it in countless ways. Any type of nut can be substituted for pine nuts. Any type of leafy fresh herb can be used as well as any type of grated hard cheese. Play around with flavor combinations and find your favorite.

Pesto Alla Genovese


1/3 cup of pine nuts

2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

2 cups of firmly packed fresh basil leaves (no large stems)

1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil

1/2 cup of freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano cheese (your Food processor can grate it for you)


Toast the pine nuts in a dry pan until lightly browned. This step intensifies the flavor of the nuts, but can be skipped if you want a completely raw sauce.

Put the pine nuts into the work bowl of your favorite food processor fitted with the multipurpose blade. Pulse until finely chopped. Add the garlic cloves and repeat.

Add the fresh basil leaves to the food processor work bowl and pulse until they are chopped. Turn the food processor to "on" and slowly drizzle the extra virgin olive oil through the feed chute while the machine is running.

Add the Parmesan Reggiano cheese and pulse until combined.

That's it! Your Pesto is ready to be enjoyed. You could use it as a Pasta sauce, pizza sauce, vegetable dip, or spread for toasted bread. You could top chicken with it or use it as a dip for cooked shrimp. Pour some over roasted potatoes or baked butternut squash. The possibilities are endless.

Pumpkin Seed Pesto


1/3 cup of raw hulled pumpkin seeds

2 cloves of garlic

2 cups of baby spinach, firmly packed

1/3 cup of pumpkin seed oil

1/2 cup of freshly grated Romano cheese (use your food processor to grate)


Place the pumpkin seeds into the work bowl of your favorite food processor fitted with a multipurpose blade. Pulse until finely chopped. Add the garlic cloves and repeat.

Add the spinach to the food processor work bowl and pulse until well chopped. Turn the processor to "on" and slowly drizzle the pumpkin seed oil through the feed chute while the machine is running.

Add the Romano cheese and pulse until combined.

Use Your Food Processor To Make Fresh Homemade Pesto In Minutes!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Benefits of Using Food Processor

Benefits of Using Food Processor

We might have lot of guests for our Party. Being the host, you are required to be ready when the first guest arrives completing all your tasks. But most of the times we might be still in kitchen doing the final touch or decorations. Our first guest would step in and lend a helping hand to complete the process. We would feel bad in getting a third hand. It is a common problem, but there is a unique solution. Get one Food Processor or Salad slicer immediately.

Benefits of Using Food Processor

Benefits of Using Food Processor

Benefits of Using Food Processor

Benefits of Using Food Processor

Benefits of Using Food Processor

They are real kitchen assistants. They are Fast and efficient. You need not ask your playing kids to assist you. Nor do you need to call your husband to call off his favorite team's game in the TV to help you in the kitchen. Your family would be amazed to see you cool during the time your prepare Food for a big Party all by yourself. These slicers come electrical or battery operated ones. Choose the one that suits you well. Whichever model you choose they are definitely going to save your time and reduce the number of hours you stand in your kitchen. They are easy to clean and good to be used in a dish washer. They come with interchangeable blades to get the thickness of your preference for your Dressings.

You need not slice each carrot, cucumbers separately with utter care to make them all in equal sizes and shapes for the Dressing. There are efficient salad makers, Food processors which has high productivity and durability. It is a simple investMent but fruitful for life time. Moreover you can be on time to welcome your first guest near the door. Sure you would continue to host lot of parties and keep on inviting guests with the help of these little extended hand appliances.

Benefits of Using Food Processor