Oster 4093 Classic Beehive Blender

Oster 4093 Classic Beehive Blender

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Prevent Food Poisoning - Follow Safe Practices

Prevent Food Poisoning - Follow Safe Practices

Seventy-six million Americans will suffer a Food poisoning episode this year. Three hundred thousand victims will require hospitalization, and Food poisoning will kill about five thousand. A large percenTAGe of these poisonings could be prevented by following the very basic practices of food hygiene for keeping food clean, and keeping food handlers clean.

The majority of food poisoning episodes are caused by viruses or bacteria. These are commonly spread by particles of animal or human excreMent, by bodily fluids such as blood and urine, and by dirt that sticks to animal carcasses and to fruits and vegetables. When animal manure is used as fertilizer for fruits and vegetables, the risk of contamination is increased. Harvesting crops and transporting animals and crops offer other opportunities for exposure.

Both meat and poultry processors and plants that handle fruits and vegetables have industry-wide standards for cleanliness and safety. Plants that follow these standards greatly reduce the risk of food poisoning. When food safety inspectors follow up on contamination and food poisoning reports, they usually find serious lapses in hygiene. In January 2009, Salmonella contamination of peanut butter and other peanut-based products required a nationwide recall. Health inspectors who tracked the contaminated products back to the processing plants found appalling failures in basic sanitation, including a leaking roof, molds, fungus, bird feathers, dead cockroaches rodent droppings and dead rodents.

Both the Food and Drug Administration and the US DepartMent of Agriculture urge farms and food processors to maintain their own industry-approved standards for cleanliness and safety.

Food handlers in institutional kitchens, restaurants, and retail grocery stores have an equally strong mandate to maintain good food hygiene. In these settings, anyone who handles, prepares, or serves food should always practice sound food safety procedures. The keystone of those procedures is also the simplest: wash your hands. Anyone involved in any part of food preparation and food service should wash both hands thoroughly and scrub under fingernails before touching food. Hand-washing is even more important after using the bathroom. If a food handler has an eye infection or an upper respiratory infection, or cuts on Wrists or hands, that person should not handle food at all until the illness or infection is over, or the cuts healed.

When a worker moves to a different kind of food, especially from raw food to cooked, or poultry to fruits or salad greens or other raw vegetables, they should wash their hands thoroughly before touching the new food.

Utensils, knives, pots and pans, work surfaces and anything else that comes into contact with food should also be cleaned as thoroughly as you'd wash your hands.

Cold food stored longer than two hours, cold foods should be refrigerated at temperatures lower than 40°. Keep hot food at 140° higher. Store cooked food in wide, shallow containers that will allow heat to dissipate, and refrigerate promptly.

Kitchens that follow these commonsense practices will greatly reduce the risk of food poisoning. A restaurant, store, or institutional food server who fails to follow these practices may be found guilty of negligence. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious food-poisoning episode, and you believe negligence was involved, you should consult an experienced food safety attorney to determine whether you have an actionable claim.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Building Muscle Process

The Building Muscle Process

The building muscle process is relatively simple to understand.

With all of the information available on the internet, you'd think it would be easier to find information about just what exactly causes muscles to grow. There are quite a few misconceptions out there and this article will put down a few of those myths and reveal exactly what happens when your body builds muscle.

The whole process begins when the existing muscles in the body are put under extreme stress, such as when they push or pull more weight then they are used to pushing and pulling.

When muscles are asked to do more work than they are accustomed to, they suffer minor ruptures. You'll feel these micro-tears as muscle soreness. These mini-injuries are repAired while the body rests. The resulting muscle is slightly larger than before, better able to handle the stress that caused the initial tears.

A bodybuilder maximizes the muscle building process by continuously escalating the stress level place on muscle groups. This is accomplished by increasing the amount of weight, the repetitions of the exercises and/or changing the type of exercise used on a specific muscle, causing new micro-tears, building the muscle more and more.

Massive muscle growth requires a specific nutritional plan as well. There are three macronutrients that you'll need in correct proportions to fuel muscle growth. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats will deliver the nutritional payload your muscles call for.

Carbohydrates provide the fuel to get you through your workouts. Slow digesting, low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates, most fruit and vegetables (excluding potatoes, corn and peas), whole grains, basmati rice and Pasta are favored because they don't cause a spike in blood sugar like high glycemic carbs will. A sharp spike in blood sugar causes an increase in insulin production which makes it more likely that Food energy would be stored as fat, not used as energy. Post workout meals, however, often contain some quickly digested carbs in order to replace glycogen in the muscles and promote protein synthesis.

Protein is the building block of muscle creation and professional bodybuilders eat massive amounts of it. For some, protein is almost one-third of their calories for the day. In addition to poultry, beef, Pork and eggs, protein powders made from whey or soy are added to meals or used as meal replaceMents in shakes.

You need approximately two tablespoons of dietary fat each day. Approved sources of fat for the muscle builder are the unsaturated kind which is liquid at room temperature and is found in canola and olive oils, nuts, seeds and avocados.

The missing components here are rest and recuperation. You've placed your body under great stress and it needs rest. The specific muscles you've worked on need to recuperate and shouldn't be exercised again until they properly recover. For most people that means at least 48 hours should elapse between workouts of the same muscles.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Brain Food

Brain Food

How To Feed Your Memory

Once again, I think of Fish oil as brain Food. We know that the body uses its DHA to build and repAir the membranes that protect brain cells. DHA also appears to be necessary for brain cells to communicate with one another. Eating plenty of Fish may even lower your risk of deMentia, the gradual loss of Mental ability that sometimes accompanies aging. For example, researchers have found that people who ate Fish just once a week reduced their risk of Alzheimer's disease by sixty percent.

The same research group also found that diets high in saturated fat and trans fat (the kind in hydrogenated Cooking oils used by restaurants and Food processors) seem to increase the risk of deMentia. What appears to be healthy for preventing cardiovascular disease also appears to be helpful for preventing Alzheimer's disease.

The deficiency of omega-3s has been linked to other cognitive problems. This includes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and/or ADHD. Blood tests show that children who struggle with temper tantrum, and learning difficulties associated with this condition

Tend to have unusually low levels of DHA.

By now my dedicated followers must truly understand my passion for Fish oil.

As anyone who has ever struggled to lose weight knows, the body is very good at making its own fat, which stores most prominently on the hips, thighs and midsections but did you know that far from being deadly, daily doses of certain fats actually fight disease and keep your brain sharper. Remember we are what we think!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Moulinex Food Processors Review

Moulinex Food Processors Review

Moulinex is a United Kingdom based company that has been establishing its name in the industry for several years now. The company has lived up its reputation of providing high quality kitchen tools and appliances to all those who simply have the passion for Food. Some of its fine line of products includes the liquidizers, hand blenders, juicers citrus press, multi Food processors, kettles, and a lot more.

Some of its fine products of multi-Food blenders are the Moulinex Masterchef Delicio 1 and 2. Both blenders are equipped with a 400 Watt motor which is powerful enough to process all sorts of Food. Both food processors also come with a bowl that has a 1.5 liter capacity which is spacious enough for you to prepare food for the whole family. Some of the major functions of these food processors include thick slicing and thin and thick shredding. These food choppers also come with additional tools needed for that chef like preparations. And some of the tools included are whisking disk, calibrated pusher, citrus juicer, spatula, and a lot more.

The Moulinex DFB249 Compact Food Processor on the other hand is the perfect kitchen company for those who like to prepare food for their own. Its.8 liter capacity makes it perfect for single serving preparations. Another good thing about this food chooper is that it is made of highly durable materials so you will be assured of a long lasting blender unlike with others that have broken handles long before the motor stops working. Its compact design also makes it advanTAGeous to fit into the counter leaving more space for some work and other kitchen appliances.

Some other blenders of Moulinex include the Moulinex AAT7R4 Ovatio 3 DUO, Moulinex DFB1, Moulinex AAT4R4, Moulinex FP 4111 Vitacompact, Moulinex DF3, and a whole lot more. All of these food processors are equipped with powerful motors ranging from 400 to 800 Watts so you will be assured of great results for your everyday meals. Whether you are working on some food preparations just for yourself or for the whole family, a Moulinex choppers is the most reliable and dependable kitchen company you can have.

food processor mini

Friday, November 25, 2011

Five Uses For a Food Processor

Five Uses For a Food Processor

Most of us have a Food processor sitting on a shelf somewhere in our kitchen. Many have been gathering dust for years because we are not quite sure how it is used. There are so many convenient uses for a Food processor that once you have realised just how handy they can be, your appliance will take pride of place on your bench top.

Along with the multitude of inserts and parts you will notice the huge Booklet that usually comes with one of these kitchen appliances. That is because there are so many individual uses for this not so humble machine.


This one is pretty obvious, you can use a Food processor to chop things quickly and into small pieces. However depending on the blade you use you can dice, slice and shred either finely or thickly and you can also julienne. This can apply to all sorts of vegetables and other hard foods like cheese for coleslaws, soups, stews, salads and baking. While it might not be convenient to go to the trouble for a small meal, a food processor can save a lot of time if you are Cooking for a crowd or preparing a lot of food.


Bet you didn't know your processor could grind things. Well it can. Common uses are for things like nuts and seeds, but how about spices or meat or dried fruit. A food processor is usually built for pretty tough treatMent and grinding could not be done in your blender or with a wand. A food processor would be the only kitchen appliance, aside from an actual mincer that could grind meat. And grinding spices in a mortar and pestle is time consuming and often messy.


I think we all knew about this one, and frankly, our blender or wand can also puree things. However, the speed and cleanliness would most likely be a lot more impressive when using a food processor to puree your baby food, soups or fruit. If this machine can grind nuts and seeds, imagine how easy it would puree cooked fruits and vegetables.


Depending on your machine, most processors come with juice inserts these days. A simple part that looks like a normal manual juicer is fitted to the spinning tool and voila you have your own automatic juicer that not only juices lemons, oranges and grapefruits in a pinch but also has a strainer that removes pith and seeds from the juice.


By fitting a special whipping insert to your food processor you can also whip cream in record time. Not only is whipping cream in a food processor extremely quiet (if you have a quiet machine of course) but is also a lot less messy that using a bowl. Cream does not go flying off the beaters, it is kept nice and tidy in the container, ready to be spooned out when it's done.

So keep your food processor on the bench top, because it can be used for so many different kitchen duties.

food processor reviews

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ninja XL Blender - A Quality Kitchen Blender

Ninja XL Blender - A Quality Kitchen Blender

If your kitchen needs a new blender since your 20-year-old one finally kicked the bucket, you are clearly in the market for only the top quality blenders available today. After all, some blenders have stronger, sharper blades and more features than other blenders. That means you must do your shopping to find the best kitchen blenders available for your purposes. You undoubtedly do all kinds of blending, crushing, and mixing in your blender that requires you to have a versatile appliance in your kitchen. That is why the Ninja XL Blender could be the perfect investMent for you.

Whether you are chopping vegetables for an appetizer, crushing ice for frozen drinks, or mixing up your favorite kind of smoothie, you will find the Ninja XL Blender to be perfectly up to the challenge. Quality blenders are adaptable to nearly any mixing or cutting situation because their blades are sharp and durable. In this model, six blades are used to get the Job done. They are stacked uniquely to ensure a precise chop, mix, or blend every time. Plus, while most kitchen blenders can only be used to make the contents smooth, such as for a smoothie drink, the Ninja XL Blender has a Food processing option so you can make chunky salsa, flavorful chip dip, and delicious Dressing.

If you are still unconvinced of the Ninja XL Blender's capabilities, consider that it delivers 1,000 watts of power to easily crush ice and chop any kind of Food item without becoming jammed or clogged like other kitchen blenders might. Plus, with a 72-ounce capacity, there is no shorTAGe as to the amount of blended Food you can produce. If you are hosting a large Party, making enough for later, or simply looking for a large capacity blender, this is the machine for you!

Not only do quality blenders have the ability to work well in any situation you confront them with, they also last for many years because of their intuitive design. Stainless steel looks sleek and has proven to be a long-lasting material for kitchen appliances. That is why top quality kitchen blenders use it in their design. With a dishwasher-safe glass top, you can easily clean the interior of the blender without fearing a cut from the sharp blades. You will be impressed by this product the moMent you try it, so now is the time to decide for yourself if it isn't one of the most quality blenders you have ever used.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New York Raw Food Restaurants

New York Raw Food Restaurants

New York raw Food restaurants are attracting attention, as more people seek healthier diets and lifestyles. New York City consistently serves some of the best raw Food cuisine in the world, and proudly hosts 10 raw Food restaurants--including three vegetarian restaurants that are partially raw. The Big Apple is known for its diversity of cuisine and raw Food restaurants provide a healthy and delicious alternative.

What Type of Food is Served?

New York raw food restaurants serve an assortMent of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains--including raw desserts, raw pizza, raw "lasagna," and more. Surprisingly, raw food tastes great--and best of all, it's good for you. Raw food restaurants use several tools to prepare food for customers: a food processor, a high-powered blender, juicers, and variable-temperature dehydrators, among others.

Absolutely no microwaves, ovens, or stoves are used. This is done to preserve the live enzymes presents in all raw food. Live enzymes are destroyed when food is cooked beyond 114 degrees Fahrenheit.

Raw Food Chefs & Cooking Schools

The raw food trend has gathered steam in recent months, spawning "gourmet raw food chefs" and raw food Cooking schools. Classic chefs are visiting New York raw food restaurants to discover a cuisine that offers surprising diversity, flavor and texture.

Popular New York Raw Food Restaurants

One of the most popular New York raw food restaurants is Pure Food & Wine, which opened in June 2004 and serves eye-catching dishes in an upscale setting. Other well-known New York raw food restaurants include Quintessence, Blue Green, and Bonobos.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Enforcing Food Safety - The Government's Responsibility

Enforcing Food Safety - The Government's Responsibility

According to the Codex AliMentarius Commission of the United Nations, a Food is regarded as safe "If it doesn't cause harm to the consumer when prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use". This entails that Food should be free from contaminants, adulterants, naturally occurring toxins and all those substances which might have adverse effects on human health. Right from the earliest days of human existence, access to good quality Food, in particular safe food has been one of the most pressing and critical questions for the mankind. Through centuries of ignorance, experience and trial-and-error methodology, we have learnt that safe food is not just a fundaMental precondition for human survival but is also inherently and indispensably linked with social, economic and ethical facets of our lives. Today, nations all around the world acknowledge that without surety of the safe food, prosperity in its collective sense is a far cry. Based on such concrete conclusions, it is now of utmost importance that we augMent our understanding regarding the current world scenario and re-evaluate our strategic approach that will be required to unknot the complexities of providing safer and healthier food to every human being in the world.

Over the last few decades, the question of ensuring adequate food safety standards has evolved into a much more complicated problem with a series of interconnected factors to be considered. On one hand, the scientific and technological advancements such as the development of high precision analytical equipments and improved agricultural and preservation techniques have made it possible for us to evaluate and eradicate many of the existing potential safety hazards. Yet on the other hand, some of the modern scientific practices such as increased usage of chemicals and other additives have also introduced such detrimental changes in the enTire food Supply chains which were never envisaged in the enTire history. Moreover, factors such as ever-increasing population, global financial recession and rising media exposure with consumer awareness have added many newer dimensions to the food safety issue. Keeping an eye over these constantly emerging interrelated concerns, it is undoubtedly the need of the time that we adopt a multidimensional approach at all levels of a food chain i.e. from farm to fork. Stakeholders such as the food industry and the consumers also have a role to play but it is the state government along side its associated agencies which has the ultimate responsibility to establish a solid legal infrastructure for other stakeholders and occupy an imperative position in developing and enforcing food safety standards at all levels.

It is often misunderstood that the sole liability of the government and its agencies is to provide a legislative and regulatory framework and lay down certain mandates for those involved in provision of food to the people. These conditions may include compliance with the approved procedural specifications, fulfillment of bio-safety guidelines and proscription of the production and sale of the adulterated and contaminated foods etc. At this moment if we talk about Pakistan, most of the food laws existing deal with production, distribution and food Supply in addition to dealing with mere profit exploiting and hoarding. Specifically, there are four laws present in the aspect of Food Safety and are related directly to this issue. According to USDA's annual country report for Pakistan, food imports are generally regulated by the Federal government and food standards are regulated by the Provincial together with of the local health authorities. The Pakistan Pure Food Laws (PFL) devised in 1963 forms the basis of the entire existing trade-related food quality and safety legislative framework. Working with an aim of preventing food adulteration and assuring adequate level of purity, it covers around 104 different food items ranging from edible oils and fats, cereals, fruits and vegetables, dAiry products etc. It sets the regulations adDressing the usage of preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, flavorants and other food additives and forbids the production, sales and trade of all such unsafe food items which violate the prescribed rules and are likely to prove harmful for the health.

In addition to this, PFL issues a defined set of instructions for the food safety aspects such as labeling of food packages, preventive measures in storage and transport, and aims of providing a platform for laboratory analysis and inspection of food samples. Another law of similar in its operational approach, the Cantonment Pure Food Act of 1966 applies food safety regulations exclusively on the cantonment areas. The Pakistan Hotels and Restaurant Act of 1976 makes it obligatory for hotels, restaurants and caterers all over Pakistan to control and regulate their rates and standard of services. Section 22 of the act declares that the sale of food and beverages which are prepared/served in unhygienic conditions or contain contaminated/ injurious substances is an offense and any person/organization found guilty is likely to receive severe legal penalties. The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act is relatively a new law with its induction in the year 1996 and is not generally classified as a food law. This act Supplies a platform for the establishment of the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA). Working under the patronage of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is the premier standardization body working with 81 scientists/engineers and 254 supporting staff as self-finance organization with a primary task of not only formulation of Pakistan Standards, but also its promulgation.

Apart from these basic food safety regulations, there are a number of other law enforcing and regulatory bodies that are working in direct and indirect correlation with the concerned issue. Generally, the government still relies heavily on the Codex Alimentarius standards and guidelines developed jointly by the FAO and WHO for setting and revising its requirements for labeling, packaging, food additives, pesticides and imported food products. Food standards which are specified by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USDA) and Food and Drug Association (FDA) are also used for certain products. Moreover, government agencies such as the Customs Department and Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR),National Institute of Health (NIH), Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) and Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) are also working for the focal point of achieving food safety objectives in their respective premises. In the presence of so many agencies and available regulations, it is however a harsh reality that the prevailing situation of food safety and security standards in the country is dark and dismal. In the wake of this plethora of regulations and regulatory bodies, the presence of such deteriorated structure indicates towards a fact that the influx of laws and regulations and establishment of regulatory bodies is certainly not the sole way of combating the safety issue and there exists severe glitches in our law enforcement and implementation policies at all levels.

Like most of the developing countries around the world, Pakistan has a very basic and undeveloped food system with multiple problem areas such as fundamental differences in agency missions and approaches to inspection, non-uniformity of facilities, unavailability of skilled personnel and money wasTAGe on non-essential issues with efforts lagging in the development of new technologies for controlling concerns. To an extent, it will be reasonable to say that Pakistan does not have an integrated food safety framework at all but has a set of laws dealing with some selected aspects of food safety. Though laws have the potential to achieve food safety standards to an extent, the absence of their understanding and implementation at all levels of the governments leaves too many loopholes to be filled. There is an urgent need to understand that a government in its truest sense has the responsibility of developing a comprehensive, personalized and integrated food safety framework which does not necessarily deals with protection, but also with health maintenance and promotion.

FAirly achieved in developed countries like Canada, UK and the USA, we really need to sketch out a well-conceived national food control policy developed with the support of the various particiPants. This policy should elucidate role of the governmental hierarchy, different agencies, various sectors of economy and consumers, and should ascertain mechanisms for cooperation with means of dealing with emerging challenges in regard to human health and the national economy. There is an acute need to understand that the formulation and functionality of the entire system is dependent on the way the responsibilities are transferred and enforced at levels of a governmental structures and state actors such as the federal, provincial, municipal governments, independent health agencies and non-governmental organizations.

At the top of the ladder, the most critical responsibility of the State or Federal ministries (Food, Health etc.) is to structure a centralized vision with Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Risk Communication as its broad guiding principles. Since Risk Assessment and Risk Management deal with scientific and socio-economic arenas respectively, it is a prime task of the state government to develop a scientific and legal amalgamation and supervise its implementation right till the grass roots. Other important responsibilities of the state government include:

  • Assessment of raw materials and finished products and identification of critical control points throughout the system.
  • Allocation of appropriate funds for the provincial governments to uplift their food safety programs.
  • Introduction of stringent monitoring systems of sampling and thorough inspections before approving food imports.
  • Evaluation of the laws and standards adopted from international bodies and their localization in accordance with our needs and resources.
  • Replacement of 'Hands-on' approach with new techniques and establishment of up-to-date laboratories and research centers with latest equipments and other analytical facilities.
  • Development of the transport system all through Pakistan to minimize microbiological losses.
  • Enforcement of basic hygiene practices and safety and quality management systems such as ISO: 9001-2000, HACCP and ISO: 22000 at every level.

Coming next in line, the Provincial governments have the responsibility of taking the message from the central authorities and implement it in their respective provinces. Whatever the plan of action they adopt, it should not in any way deviate from the regulations set by the state. Working on a unified vision, each province should initiate its own operations in accordance with its priorities and resources. Just like the inauguration of a Parha Likha Punjab Campaign (Literate Punjab), every province should invest in such programs for awareness about food safety and should incorporate these operations to all districts, cities and villages in its jurisdiction. Other responsibilities include:

-Assessment of raw materials and finished products and identification of critical control process points at provincial level.
-Continuous surveillance of the entire Supply chain including farmers, processors, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers etc. with special attention to the execution of the regulations and predefined criteria.
-Introduction of technical programs for training of small farmers and other producers at the grass root level concerning basic food safety and hygiene principles.
-Funding for new graduates who pursue governmental public health careers and enhance state efforts on recruitment and retention of public health professionals.
-Establishment of 'Emergency Recall System' at the time of a catastrophic outbreak.
-Re-invention of procedures and development of capacities to support health agencies during recalls and outbreaks.
-Impeachment of the people/organizations breaching the regulations with autonomy granted to agencies to immediately ban such business, independent of the court decisions.

Despite being at the lowest end of the command order, the Municipal/City/District government has one of the most critical roles to play in implementing and enforcing food safety standards. Being the most familiar with the ground realities, municipal government has a superior chance of understanding situations and then act appropriately. Some of its key responsibilities include:

  • Continuous food safety surveillance of the different food chains including industries, hotels, restaurants, cafes with appropriate penalties and prohibitions for offenders.
  • Enhanced facilities for action based approach on consumer complaints.
  • Recruitment of skilled and sincere personnel for the inspection and scrutiny of general practices.

Conclusively, we can say that seeing the devastating consequences of the recent system failures in countries such as China, the issue of food safety can not taken lightly. The ever increasing complexities of food system with rapid and almost explosive technology have made it essential that the issue of food safety be considered as an integral part of the national planning. The government and other state players should therefore realize that they occupy an extremely decisive position and any ambiguity or negligence in understanding or implementation of food safety regulations might lead us to a catastrophe.

Monday, October 17, 2011

KitchenAid Food Processor 760 - The Truth About the Machine

KitchenAid Food Processor 760 - The Truth About the Machine

Need help deciding if the KitchenAid Food processor 760 is right for you? Before you go off and buy this or any other Food processor take the time to find out the truth about this machine. In this article I will give you the facts and figures about this well known processor.

What is the KitchenAid Processor 760?

If you are one of those people who loves to prepare your own sauces, marinades, salsas, along with many other treats then you need a processor to make your life a bit easier. The KA 760 comes with 10 cup and 4 cup bowl which is great because you can pick the bowl depending on the quantity of Food you are going to make. Usually the 4 cup bowl is great for private use; the 10 cup bowl on the other hand is great for dinner parties. Some features of this food processor include the following.

  • 700 watts of power
  • Wide mouth feed tube
  • 3 bowls
  • Multi purpose blade

What is the KitchenAid Food Processor 760 Capable Of?

For one thing, the extra large mouth tube is great with large vegetables especially potatoes and zucchini. The chops and shreds of this processor are practically silent to the ears because of the well built bowls. So anything you pulverize whether large or small will be silently sliced. Another great thing about this machine is that it is so easy to put together that even a child could use it, although I would not recomMend it.

Some of the inconveniences that users have had are that the KA 760 is not good with small quantities. For example, if you put in a clove of garlic it will just bounce around and end up uncut. Another issue faced is that the lid is built to fit on the outside therefore it is more prone to spills.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Food Processor Pasta

Food Processor Pasta

We have a fall tradition that fills in the void between summer and winter holidays. We have a Pasta Party, or sometimes even two during September and October. The weather cools down and we can open up the house and invite friends over to make Pasta from scratch. We start out with a light brunch and planning our Pasta ingredients and break up into groups for each flavor. Each couple or individual brings a salad or meat to go with the finished Pasta.

If you've never had homemade Pasta, you need to give a try. The basic recipe is very simple, here is a quick list of ingredients for making one pound of homemade pasta:

·         2&1/4 Cups of unbleached flour
·         3 large eggs
·         Pinch of salt
·         Water, or Oil, or milk (3 to 4 tablespoons)
·         A minced vegetable for flavor (optional)

We prefer to use oil since it keeps the dough from dying out and adds a good flavor but some people like water. We also use spinach, broccoli, zucchini, or other vegetable for flavor but plain is good too. This is where the Party really starts since many people bring their own special vegetable to create whatever flavor they like. And we have had some real unusual ingredients since anything goes.

We use a Food processor but you could also mix this by hand. Use the plastic dough blade if you have one but the metal chopping blade will work. You combine the dry ingredients in the bowl and pulse a few time to mix well. Beat the three eggs to combine the whites and yolks. Turn the Food processor on and slowly pour the eggs in and continue to process until the dough becomes a ball and works away from the edge of the bowl.

This part only takes about 5 minutes. Now the kneading begins and continues until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. Be sure to powder the working surface with flour and work quickly if you used water rather than oil since it will dry out quicker. Depending on your ingredients and effort, this part can take about 10 to 15 minutes.

We roll the dough back into a ball and cover with plastic wrap to "rest" for about an hour at room temperature. At our parties we spend this time making our sauces for each of the different pasta flavors. Pesto is always a standard but many fresh vegetable flavors are popular, some cooked and some not.

We use hand crank pasta machines (they cost about -) since they are quick and easy. Always make sure you run some test dough through any new pasta machine to clean out any residue of manufacturing (every single one I've ever bought had grease, oil, or even metal filings). Either make or buy several pasta-drying racks since the pasta will need to hang dry for about 2-3 hours before Cooking (some people don't dry very long but we've found it to really enhance the flavor).

The first process with the pasta machine is to flatten portions of the dough into about 1/16 inch thick, 4 inch wide, and maybe 12-inch long lengths (the length is how thick and long the strand of pasta will be). Once you like the size and thickness you then run these slabs through the cutting section. You can have different shapes and sizes depending on your available blades. The standard fettuccine style is the most popular at our parties but you can also just cut shapes out of the dough slabs (like cookie cutters) for any shape you can make.

It's hard to describe the antics that occur when first timers go through this homemade pasta routine. Throw in a couple of glass of wine and before you know it, wet pasta is hanging everywhere. It's a good time and the reward at the end is well worth the work. We usually will find some group games to play while the pasta is drying. Sometimes there might be a football game on or some movie to Watch.

When the pasta is dry, the boiling begins and within about 30-40 minutes there is a wide variety of pasta flavors and sauces to try for dinner. Out come the salads and meat dishes, and then everyone mixes and matches to their choice. Trust me when I say no one goes home hungry after one of these parties.

You could have these parties anytime of year, spring would be good too since many fresh vegetables would be available. We just started doing it in the fall and it's kind of stuck. You can always find quite a few good recipes that come with your Food processor or pasta machine to try. Or just experiMent on your own. It's fun and quite an economical way to through a Party any time of year.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Select the Best Commercial Food Processor

No doubt, the models, types and makes of commercial Food processors available in the market are imMense. Usually, having a large pool to choose from should make the task of selection easy. Well, the reverse is often the case; the large range of commercial Food processors actually makes choosing the best one a daunting task. But don't worry, this will be made easier by the time you are done reading this.

To start with, the best commercial Food processor will vary depending on the individual. Thus the best one for me may not necessarily be the best for you. Having stated that, there is a minimum standard however for the best commercial food processor. Thus, the best in this case should be the one that is easy to use, easy to clean, strong and durable, lasting for a long time and finally, affordable. So regardless of your personal requireMents, these standards must be met by your own best commercial food processor.

Food Processor

So how do you go about the selection? The first step is actually sitting down to determine your needs. What functions, tasks, or chores do you currently carry out that you think a food processor will better carry out? Well, the answer to this is also linked on the type of establishMent you operate. For example, a medium scale commercial food establishMent will probably not carry out-so much of the said tasks that a food processor will perform-as much as a large scale enterprise. All these points are important in determining the best commercial food processor for your requirements.

How to Select the Best Commercial Food Processor

Determining the frequency and the volume of the tasks that will be performed by your processor will go a long way in buying the best suited one. There is a huge difference between every day use and using it once or twice a week. Once this has been done, the next step is to find out the available commercial food processors that can fulfill these needs. There are several options as earlier stated, so you need to be able to make an informed decision. A good resource here is the internet. This will guide you in making a good decision as you'll be able to compare types and prices and also read reviews.

Whatever type of processor you decide to get however, should be one that is large enough, wide enough, safe enough, simple enough to operate, and of course affordable enough for your needs.

If you are able to do all these, you should get the best one and if you ask me, it should be fAirly easy. On top of that, all the work you will put into choosing the best one, will pay off for sure in the future when you won't have to take your processor for repAirs. You will save money and time and these are luxuries that are indispensable for all of us. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe we can all agree on this one!

How to Select the Best Commercial Food Processor

The modern commercial food processor not only provides more functions but has additional safety features too. The flexibility in use and varied availability of commercial food processors makes them indispensable to the modern kitchen. Why settle for something less than perfect when you can get the most out of your purchase if you follow the simple steps I described. Take the time to do that and in the future you will thank me guaranteed!